The house that Dickens’s publisher bought with the fortune he made from his star writer’s work (but it probably didn’t have the jacuzzi back then)


Lydia Stangroom April 11, 2022 10 Ovington Square, in London’s Knightsbridge, is here to prove that it can offer the best of times, even through the worst of times. Much has changed at number 10 Ovington Square since Dickens’s day and the 127 years since Frederic Chapman’s death in the March of 1895. The esteemed … Read more

The property market in 2022: Three key trends you need to know about this year


Country Life March 31, 2022 House buyers are borrowing more than ever, and paying more for the privilege thanks to increasing interest rates — and they’re also looking for different things than once they were. Borrowing is still booming — but for how long? The story a month ago was that more people are borrowing more … Read more

How Bloomsbury became the cradle of British culture


The British Museum gleams in the morning light, dwarfing the much taller buildings that surround it to tower like a novel Parthenon. But where the Parthenon was the apogee of Classical Greek culture, the British Museum was the foundation on which Bloomsbury’s intellectual fortunes were built. Life started humbly for this venerable cradle of British … Read more