An estate agency in Scarborough has been given consent to expand its existing office into the the neighbouring shop unit.
Tower Estates property services at 60 Falsgrave Road will takeover the Infocus Photographic studio space at 62 Falsgrave Road becoming part of the agency business.
The existing shopfront of Tower Estates is set to be retained but a new timber shopfront will be constructed at number 62.
The new shopfront will be constructed of timber and will feature four glazed window panels with transoms. It currently features a brick shopfront with three windows surrounded by decorative brickwork.
The proposal received no objections from members of the public of the Highway Authority.
However, an earlier version of the application proposed alterations to the traditional shopfront at number 60, which the planning authority “found to be unacceptable as it would erode the design quality of the traditional shopfront”.
Consequently, the application was amended to propose alterations only to the neighbouring property.
Planning officers said: “The Tower Estates shopfront is of an attractive design, featuring a curved window and recessed entrance door.”
The first version of the application also proposed erecting a fascia board at the same height and depth on both buildings which officers said would appear “incongruous upon the shopfront at no.62 owing to its smaller scale and the setback nature of the first floor”.
The amended design proposed a smaller fascia board that would run across both shopfronts which planners said was acceptable.
The application was approved by North Yorkshire Council this week, subject to conditions.
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