Estate agency relocates to ‘iconic landmark’ office

Zenko Properties has relocated to Graphical House, a creative workspace in central Leeds.

Located in the district of Leeds, the building has undergone a significant refurbishment, which has clearly appealed to the estate agency.

Zenko Properties, founded in 2015 by managing director Tobias Duczenko, has expanded its presence with a new branch on the ground floor of Graphical House.

The 1,215 sq ft space, secured on a six-year lease, is the firm’s second Yorkshire location adding to its branch in Silsden.

Nick Salkeld, director at Fox Lloyd Jones, which co-owns Graphical House, said: “Graphical House is an iconic landmark in the centre of Leeds and a unique creative environment, with the high levels of interest it has received paying testament to its vast appeal.

“The businesses that now make it their home are great examples of the diverse and innovative enterprises we aimed to attract.”

Clem McDowell, director at Carter Towler, co-owner, added that having a company like Zenko Properties “creates a dynamic and collaborative environment that promotes growth and innovation”.

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